Evaluation Metrics
Intrinsic evaluation metric to evaluate how well a language model can capture the real word distribution conditioned on the context. A perplexity of a discrete probability distribution is defined as the exponentiation of the entropy,
\[2^{H(p)} = 2^{-\sum_x p(x)log_2p(x)}\]Given a sentence with \(N\) words, \(s = (w_1, w_2, \cdots, w_N)\), assuming that each word has frequency \(1/N\) the entropy, and perplexity is given by,
\[H(s) = -\sum_{i=1}^N P(w_i)log_2p(w_i) = -\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N log_2p(w_i) \\\] \[2^{H(s)} = (p(w_1), p(w_2), \cdots, p(w_N))^{-1/N}\]A good language model should predict high word probabilities, hence, the smaller perplexity the better.