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Bit Manipulations

  1. Mathematical Operations
  2. Counting 1s (Brian Kernighan Algorithm)
  3. Counting Number of Occurrences
  4. Generate all possible subsets
  5. References

Mathematical Operations

Consider the bitmask is already there, and we need to modify it as per

  • Divide by 2 (integer value): bitmask >> 1
  • Multiply by 2: bitmask << 1
  • bitmask - 1: It will have all the same bits as bitmask except for the rightmost 1 in bitmask and all the bits of the right of rightmost 1. In other words, the binary representation of bitmask −1 can be obtained by simply flipping all the bits to the right of rightmost 1 in bitmask (including the flipping of rightmost 1 as well). E.g. for bitmask = 20 (i.e., 10100), we get bitmask − 1 = 19 (i.e., 10011)
  • Two Compliment (or -bitmask): -bitmask is two-complement of bitmask OR (1-complement of bitmask)-1
  • bitmask & -bitmask: Extracts the rightmost 1-bit [Leetcode #260]
  • Check power of 2 by x & (x-1) [Leetcode #231]
  • Addition (x+y): XOR can be used for adding without carry, and x&y<<1 can be used for carry. [Leetcode #67]
    def add(x,y):
     while y:
     x, y = x ^ y, (x & y) << 1
     return bin(x )[2:]

Counting 1s (Brian Kernighan Algorithm)

Count the total number of ones in the binary representation of a number. [Leetcode #191]

Solution: Set the rightmost 1s to zero. [57] O(K) where K is total number of ones

def count1s (num ):
	out = 0
	while num >0: 
		out , num = out +1, num & (num1)

Counting Number of Occurrences

Counting odd occurrences: Since $x \oplus x \rightarrow 0$, XOR operation can be used to count the odd occurrences of any given number.

Counting exactly 1 and 2 occurrences:

seen_once = ~ seen_twice & ( seen_once ^x)
seen_twice = ~ seen_once & ( seen_twice ^x)

[Leetcode #74] [Leetcode #75]

Generate all possible subsets

Each element in a set can be represented with a bit.

def possibleSubsets(A):
	N = len(A)
	for i in range(2**N):
		for j in range(N):
			if (i & (1<<j))==1: print(A[j])
		print(" ")


  1. [Bit manipulation by Hackerrank]