Topological Sorting
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A topological sort takes a directed acyclic graph and produces a linear ordering of all its vertices such that if the graph 𝐺 contains an edge (𝑣,𝑤) then the vertex 𝑣 comes before the vertex 𝑤 in the ordering. [Ref1] [Ref2]
DFS-based Topological Sorting
Add to the final stack when finished exploring all the neighbors.
Time Complexity: O(V+E), Space Complexity: O(V)
def DFS(visited, u, out):
visited[u] = True
for v in adj[u]:
if not visited[u]: DFS(visited, u, out)
def TS(V, adj):
visited, out = [False]*V, []
for u in range(V):
if not visited[u]: DFS(visited, u, out)
return out[::-1]
Kahn’s Algorithm for Topological Sorting
Maintain a queue of vertex which have inDegree as 0. While iterating over the queue, if the connected vertex now has 0 inDegree add it to the queue. Time Complexity: O(V+E), Space Complexity: O(V) [Ref1] [Ref2]
- Only works with directed and acyclic graphs
- There must be one vertex in graph with inDegree as 0.
def kahn(n, edges): # assumes n vertices, and edges[u] = [v1, v2] as directed edges
inDegree, visited, dq = [0]*n, [False]*n, deque()
for u in edges:
for v in edges[u]: inDegree[v] += 1
res = []
for idx in range(n):
if inDegree[idx]==0: dq.append(idx)
while dq:
u = dq.popleft()
visited[u] = True
for v in g[u]:
if visited[v]: return -1 # cycle
if inDegree[v]==0: dq.append(v)
if len(res) < n: return -1 # all vertice are not included in the result
return res
Topological sorts on Cyclic Graphs: If topological sort outputs more than N vertices - it means there is a cycle
All Topological Sorts
Use Kahn’s Topological Sorting along with DFS/backtracking. Time Complexity: O(V+E), Space Complexity: O(V) [Ref1] [Ref2]
def DFS(visited, indegree, out):
for u in range(V):
if indegree[u]==0 and not visited[u]:
visited[u] = True
for v in adj[u]: indegree[v]-=1
DFS(visited, indegree, out)
visited[u] = False
for v in adj[u]: indegree[v]+=1
if len(out)==V: print out
def TS(V, adj):
visited, out, indegree = [False]*V, [], [0]*V
for u in range(V):
for v in adj[u]: indegree[v]+=1
DFS(visited, indegree, out)
[Leetcode #1136] [Leetcode #1494]