Math Algorithms
- Check if a number is perfect square
- Euclidean Algorithm for GCD
- Computing Power ($x^n$)
- Prime Decomposition
- Power Sets
- Combinations and Permutations
- Angular Sweep Algorithm
Check if a number is perfect square
We add 0.5 to avoid the floating point values for very large numbers [Ref]
def check_square (num ):
root = sqrt(num)
int(root + 0.5) ∗∗ 2 == num
Euclidean Algorithm for GCD
If we keep subtracting the small number from the large number, we end up with GCD
def gcd(a,b): # if a > b: a, b = b, a
if a==0: return b
return gcd(b%a, a)
Computing Power ($x^n$)
For the below codes, consider $n > 0$. [Leetcode #50]
Recursive Algorithm: Space Complexity: O(logN)
def pow(x,n):
if n==0: return 1
if n %2==0: return pow(x,n//2)∗ pow(x,n//2)
else: return x∗pow(x ,(n−1)//2)∗pow(x ,(n−1)//2)
Iterative Algorithm: Consider n
in its binary form, i.e., $b_1 b_2 \cdots, b_{length_limit}$. Now, $x^n = x^{\sum_i b_i 2^i}$. Keep a variable current_product
of $x^{2^i}$ and add it to the answer when $b_i$ is 1. Space complexity is O(1).
def pow(x,n):
current_product , ans= x, 1
while n >0:
if n %2==1: ans = ans∗current_product
current_product = current_product∗current_product
n = n//2
Prime Decomposition
Decompose any given number into a series of prime factors
def primeDecompose (num ):
prime_factors , factor = [], 2
while num >= factor∗factor :
if num%factor==0:
else: factor +=1
prime_factors.append (num)
return prime_factors
Power Sets
Given a set of unique integer nums
, return all possible subsets. [Leetcode #78]
Algorithm 1: Cascading Based Approach TC/SC: $O(N.2^N)$
def make_power_set (nums ):
power_set = [[]]
for num in nums:
new_elems = []
for item in power_set :
new_elems.append(item + [num])
power_set = power_set + new_elems
return power_set
Algorithm 2: Use backtracking/DFS based approach, TC: $O(N.2^N)$ SC: $O(N)$
def make_power_set(nums):
n = len(nums)
power_set = []
def dfs(k, first =0, curr =[]):
if len(curr)==k:
power_set.append (curr [:])
for i in range(first , n):
curr.append(nums[i]) # add nums[ i ] into the current combination
dfs(k, i+1, curr) # use next integers to complete the combination
curr.pop() # backtrack
for k in range(n+1):
return power_set
Algorithm 3: Bit-masking based, generates lexicographic subsets TC/SC: $O(N.2^N)$
def make_power_set(nums):
n = len(nums)
power_set = []
for i in range (2∗∗n, 2∗∗(n+1)):
mask = bin(i)[3:]
curr = []
for idx , char in enumerate(mask):
if char=="1": curr.append(nums[idx])
return power_set
Combinations and Permutations
Combinations: Make k-
length combinations from n
elements. The solution approach is similar to DFS/backtracking with power sets, with fixing the length to k
. TC: $O(k.C^N_k)$, SC: $O(C^N_k)$. [Leetcode #77]
def make_combinations(n, k):
self.out = []
def dfs(first=0, curr=[]):
if len(curr)==k:
for i in range(first, n):
dfs(i+1, curr)
return self.out
Permutations: The solution approach is similar to DFS/backtracking with power sets with fixed length n
, however, this time we only swap insetad of skipping over the numbers. TC: $O(N.N!)$, SC: $O(N!))$ [Leetcode #46]
def make_permutations(nums):
n = len(nums)
self.out = []
def dfs(first=0):
if first==n:
for i in range(first, n):
nums[first], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[first]
nums[first], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[first]
return self.out
Angular Sweep Algorithm
Given n
points on 2-D plane, find the maximum number of points that can be enclosed by a fixed-radius circle of radius R
[Leetcode #1453]
Naive Algorithm: Time Complexity is $O(N^3)$
- Pick any two points, and make a circle with these two points on the circumference. There will be two circles like that.
- Find how many points lie inside this circle and return the maximum value
Angular Sweep Algorithm: Time Complexity is $O(N^2 log(N))$
- For every point, a circle can be defined and rotated such that the given point lies on the circumference.
- For rest of the points, find the angles when they enter or exit the circle.
[Detailed Mathemtical Analysis and Code]