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Sliding Window Patterns

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An abstract concept commonly used in array or string problems. A window is a range of elements in the array/string which usually defined by the start and end indices.

Problems: Typically the problems are similar to (*Longest/Shortest/Number of*) (*Substrings/Subarrays*) with (*At most/Exactly*) K elements that fit (*some condition*). Few examples are below,

  1. Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. [Leetcode #3]
  2. Given a string s and an integer k, return the length of the longest substring of s that contains at most k distinct characters. [Leetcode #340]
  3. Given two strings s and t of lengths m and n respectively, return the minimum window substring of s such that every character in t (including duplicates) is included in the window. [Leetcode #76]

Solution Approach 1: The general approach is to keep two pointers left and right. We keep increasing the right pointer. [Ref]

  • If the element at the right pointer makes the window not valid, we keep moving the left pointer to shrink the window until it becomes valid again.
  • Then, we update the global min/max with the result from the valid window.
  • To check if it is valid, we need to store the “state” of the window (ex. frequency of letters, number of distinct integers).
for right in range(n):
    update window with element at right pointer
    while (condition not valid):
        remove element at left pointer from window, move left pointer to the right
    update global max

For an example, solution of Problem 2 would look like:

def lengthOfLongestSubstringKDistinct(s, k):
	left_ptr, count = 0, defaultdict(int)
	n = len(s)
	n_distinct, res = 0, 0
	for right_ptr in range(n):
		if count[s[right_ptr]]==1: n_distinct = n_distinct+1
		while (n_distinct > k):
			if count[s[left_ptr]]==0: n_distinct-=1
			left_ptr += 1
		res = max(res, right_ptr-left_ptr+1)
return res

Other (Differently Worded) Sliding Window Problems:

  1. [Leetcode #1004]
  2. [Leetcode #904]
  3. [Leetcode #424]


  1. [Summary of Sliding Window Patterns for Subarray / Substring]