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String Algorithms

  1. Repeated Sequences
    1. Rabin-Karp Algorithm
    2. Bit Manipulation
  2. Manacher Algorithm for Longest Palindromic Substring
  3. KMP Algorithm for Pattern Matching
    1. Building Prefix Array
    2. KMP Algorithm


Repeated Sequences

The generic problem is to find the L length repeated sequences in a given string. [Leetcode #187]

Rabin-Karp Algorithm

If there are a unique characters in the string, convert the sub-string of length L to a a-decimal number (i.e., base a). Use hash set to find the repetitions. Time Complexity: O(N)

Bit Manipulation

Instead of converting it to a a-decimal number convert to a bitmask, and operate accordingly.

Comparison optimization in sliding window approaches: Consider a simpler problem of finding a permutation [Leetcode #567] or anagram [Leetcode #438] with a 26-sized array to count the frequency of the characters. To reduce the computational complexity (i.e. comparing the 26-element arrays at every step of sliding window), keep a variable count and update accordingly to count the number of mismatched letters. For detailed solution, refer to [Leetcode #567]

Manacher Algorithm for Longest Palindromic Substring

Given a string, find the longest substring which is palindrome. Time Complexity: O(N) [Ref1] [Ref2] [Ref3] [Leetcode #647]

Basic Insights:

  1. For any idx in between (center, right) interval, the length of palindromic substring is atleast the length calculated for the mirror index (around center, which is center - (idx-center))
  2. We expand only beyond that since that much length is already known
  3. If the right boundary expands, we update the center and right
def manacher(s):
    s = "$#"+"#".join(s)+"#@"
    p, center, right = [0]*len(s), 0, 0
    for idx in range(1, n-1):
        mirror = 2*c-idx
        if idx<r: p[idx] = min(r-idx, p[mirror])
        while s[idx+(p[idx]+1)]==s[(idx-(p[idx]+1))]: p[idx]+=1
        if p[idx]+idx>r: c, r = idx, idx+p[idx]
    return p

KMP Algorithm for Pattern Matching

Given a string and a pattern, find all occurrences of pattern.

Building Prefix Array

Given the pattern, find the longest proper prefix (a proper prefix is prefix with whole string not allowed) which is also a suffix. Return an array lps such that lps[i] represents the longest proper prefix of pattern[0..i] (i included). A naive algorithm takes $O(n^3)$ time. Note the following insight: $lps[i+1] \leq lps[i]$. Time complexity: O(len(pattern))

  1. Iteration i from 1 to n-1, with lps[0]=0
  2. Denote j as the best prefix length, and initialize with lps[i-1]. If pattern[i] == pattern[j] then lps[i]=j+1 otherwise keep setting j to lps[j-1] and repeat. If j==0, we set lps[i]=0 and move to the next i. [Ref1] [Ref2]
def KMP_prefixArray(pattern):
    lps = [0]*len(pattern)
    for i in range(1,len(pattern)):
        j = lps[i-1]
        while j>0 and pattern[i]!=pattern[j]: j = lps[j-1]
        if pattern[i]==pattern[j]: lps[i]=j+1
        else: lps[i]=0 #Means $j$ was 0

KMP Algorithm

Given the longest proper prefix array (lps), we do not match all characters multiple times to save time complexity. Time complexity: O(m+n) [Ref1] [Ref2] [Leetcode #214]

  • i,j denotes the indexes in string and pattern respectively to compare.
  • If there is a match s[i]==s[j], we increment both pointers
  • If there is a mismatch, we know that
    • pattern[0..j-1] matches with string[i-j....i-1]
    • lps[j-1] is count of characters pattern[0..j-1] that are both proper prefix and suffix, hence, we do not need to match lps[j-1] characters with string[i-j....i-1].
def KMP(string, pattern):
    m,n, lps = len(pattern), len(string), KMP_prefixArray(pattern)
    while (i<n):
        if string[i]==pattern[j]: i, j = i+1, j+1
        if j==m: out.append(i-j)
            if j==0: i=i+1
            else: j = lps[j-1]