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Heaps ADT

A list can represent the heap, with keeping 0th index as dummy node. If we start the indexing from 1,

  • For parent index i, the left child is 2*i and right child is 2*i +1
  • For any child index i, the parent node is i//2
  • We keep the heap balanced by creating a complete Binary Tree
  • Python library: import heapq

Heap Functions

  • Insert Element: heapq.heappush(h, item) Append the item in the last and percolate up (i.e. keep swapping with parent node until the heap property satisfies)
  • Delete Minimum Element: heapq.heappop(h) Swap the minimum element with the last item of the heap, and remove the last item. Percolate down from the first element, until the heap property satisfies
  • Heapify: heapq.heapify(items) Keep Percolating Down from the middle element of the heap, until the first element

Complexity Analysis

OperationTime Complexity
Delete MinimumO(log(n))
Find MinimumO(1)
Heapify a listO(N)


class minHeap:
	def __init__(self):
		self.items = [0]
		self.size = 0

	def insert(self, key):
		self.size += 1
	def percUp(self, i):
		while i//2>0 and self.items[i//2]<self.items[i]:
			self.items[i//2], self.items[i] = self.items[i], self.items[i//2] 
			i = i//2
	def delMin(self):
		last_item = self.items.pop()
		retVal = self.items[1]
		self.items[1] = last_item
		self.size -= 1
		return retVal
	def percDown(self, i):
		mc = self.minChild(i) 
		while mc and self.items[mc] < self.items[i]:
			self.items[i], self.items[mc] = self.items[mc], self.items[i]
			i = mc
			mc = self.minChild(i)
	def minChild(self, i):
		if 2*i > self.size: return None
		if 2*i+1 <= self.size and self.items[2*i+1] < self.items[2*i]: return 2*i+1
		return 2*i
	def heapify(self, items)
		self.items[1:] = items[:]
		self.size = len(items)
		for i in range(self.size//2,0,-1):
