Graph Search Algorithms
Table of contents
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Generic BFS Template
- The nodes closer to the root node will be traversed earlier
- Implemented Using Queues (
module in python) - Time Complexity: O(V+E), Space Complexity: O(V)
from collections import deque
def BFS(g): # assume g[node] is a list of connected nodes (Adjacency List)
dq = deque([[0, root]]) # focus here on list inside list
visited = {}
visited[root] = True
d, node = dq.popleft()
for nei in g[node]:
if nei not in visited:
dq.append([d+1, nei])
visited[nei] = True
BFS with State
In a few cases, we need to consider additional state variables while exploring via BFS. In such scenarios use the additional state variable in the tuple for (a) storing the visited state, and (b) when adding/removing from the queue.
Example: Navigating a 2D grid with an option of eliminating at-most k
obstacles, would require us to define our state as state = (x, y, k)
for both BFS queue and visited dictionary. [Leetcode #1293]
Depth-First Search (DFS)
DFS Template using Recursion
The nodes we visit earlier might not be nodes closer to the root node
Time Complexity: O(V+E), Space Complexity: O(V)
visited = {}
def DFS(node, g): # assume g[node] is a list of connected nodes (Adjacency List)
visited[node] = True
for nei in g[node]:
if nei not in visited:
DFS(nei, g)
Questions: [Leetcode #200]
If the depth of recursion is too high, it will lead to stack overflow
. In that case, it is advisable to use either BFS or DFS using an explicit stack
DFS with Explicit Stacks
- Add or remove items to stack as per the requirements of the results
def DFS(src, g): # g is graph in adjacency list format
stack = [src]
visited = set()
while stack:
node = stack.pop()
if node not in visited:
for nei in g[node]:
if nei not in visited: stack.append(nei)
Questions: [Leetcode #94]