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Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithms

Table of contents

  1. Dijkstra Algorithm
  2. Bellman-Ford Algorithm
    1. Shortest Path Faster Algorithm
  3. Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

Given the starting vertex, can you find the shortest path to any of the vertices in a weighted graph

  • Why weighted? Since for an unweighted graph we can find the shortest path via DFS/BFS.

Edge Relaxation: In cases, when there are multiple paths from vertex u to vertex v, if d[u]+w(u,v) < d[v] , we update d[v] to be d[u]+w(u,v). This is equivalent to tightening the edge with minimum weight such that the edge with higher weights is relaxed.

DijakstraShortest path from one node to all nodes, no negative edges allowed
Bellman-FordShortest path from one node to all nodes, negative edges allowed
Floyd-WarshallShortest distance between all pair of vertices, negative edges allowed

Dijkstra Algorithm

Greedy approach, for graphs with only non-negative edges to determine the shortest path between source vertex to all other vertices.

Dijkstra is implemented via prority queue. We might have the same node multiple times in the heapq, however, the entry with minimum distance will be visited earlier.

Time Complexity: O(E + VlogV) for Fibonacci heaps, and O(V + ElogV) for binary heaps. Generally, it is considered O((V+E).log(V+E))

Space Complexity: O(V)

def dijakstra(g, src, n): # Graph g with vertex src and total n vertices
	dist, visited = [float("inf")]*n, [False]*n
	heap = heapq([[0, src]])
	dist[src] = 0
	while q:
		_, u = heapq.heappop(heap)
		if visited[u]: continue
		visited[u] = True
		for (v, w) in g[u]:
			if dist[u] + w < dist[v]:
				dist[v]	= dist[u] + w
				heapq.hepapush(heap, [dist[v], v])

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Uses DP-like technique, works for graphs with negative edges, to find the shortest path between source vertex to all other vertices.

  • Theorem 1: In a graph with no negative weight cycles with N vertices, the shortest path between any two vertices has at most N-1 edges

  • Theorem 2: In a graph with negative weight cycles, there is no shortest path

If the weight keeps reducing after N-1 iterations, it means that the graph has negative weight cycles

  • Optimization 1: Can use 1-D DP array to reduce space-complexity to O(V)

  • Optimization 2: Can stop early, with in-place replacements if there is no change

Time Complexity: O(E.V), Space Complexity: O(V^2)

# Graph g with vertex src and total n vertices
def bellman_ford(g, src, n): 
	k = n-1 # gives the minimum distance considering only k edges
	dp = [float("inf")]*n for _ in range(k)]
	dp[0][0] = 0
	for i in range(k):
		for u, v, d in g: 
		# u: source vertex, v: dest vertex, d: distance
			dp[i][v] = min(dp[i][v], dp[i-1][u]+d)

Shortest Path Faster Algorithm

In the Bellman-Ford algorithm, if there is an update for vertex v, mark it as present in the queue and add it to the queue. If such a vertex already exists, don’t add it to the queue. This will improve the average time complexity but the worst case time-complexity will remain same.

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm


def floyd_warshall(N, weight): # N verties, and weight(u,v)
  dist = [[float("inf")]*N for _ in range(N)]
  for i in range(N): dist[i][i]=0
  for each edge (u,v): dist[u][v]=weight(u,v)
  for k in range(N): #Intermediate node
      for i in range(N):
          for j in range(N):
              if dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]:
                  dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]

[Leetcode #1462] [Leetcode #1334]